About UYG Active Learning Courses

The goal is to accomplish each learning objective through activities that include discussion, individual and group activities and culminated with an action plan for each stage. 

These workshops were designed to fill in the gaps for Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

This program is for those who have gaps in their social emotional awareness and now are having difficulties with barriers to their desired success. 

The Unlock Your Greatness Curriculum is complete with 27 active learning courses, comprised of 9 stages broken into 3 progressive levels as outlined in my Passport to Life: Journey To A Positive Mindset book.

Each stage is derived from affirming statements that inspire the courage and motivation needed to overcome adversity. Each stage is comprised of three learning objectives.

The Unlock Your Greatness Active Learning Curriculum is a compliment to the Passport To Life: Journey To A Positive Mindset book and designed to help individuals succeed in life by strengthening the mindset and social emotional intelligence

Coty Martin’s Passport to Life book is designed to educate on ways to develop a successful mindset and to guide into action steps and development for goals for personal and professional successes. 

Independent Course Navigation

Downloadable Interactive Workbook: Located in course Toolkit.

Self-Paced - Complete courses at the pace you are comfortable with.

Guided - Enroll in AU's structured and guided semesters.

Facilitated - Courses facilitated by instructor.

Strengthen your quality of life:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Skills
  • Responsible Decision Making
  • Leadership Values
  • Self-Motivation
  • Effective Goal Setting
  • Action Planning
  • Self-Accountability

Learning Objectives

Identify steps towards achieving internal self motivation and courage.

Verbalize their adversities and develop plan for overcoming them.

Identify actions steps towards developing positive thinking and living habits.

Display knowledge of self-accountability and how to set SMART goals and apply them towards a life of successful outcomes.


Complete 27-Active Learning Courses at the pace you are comfortable with.

LEVEL 1: 9-Courses

LEVEL 2: 9-Courses

LEVEL 3: 9-Courses


Active Learning Workbook

Passport To Life Book


Enroll in AU's structured and guided semester.

FALL Semester (10-Weeks)

WINTER Semester (10-Weeks)

SPRING Semester (10-Weeks)


Active Learning Workbook

Passport To Life Book


27-Active Learning Courses

20-Interactive Support Groups

10-Accountability Sessions


Complete 27-Active Learning Courses facilitated by instructor.

LEVEL 1: 9-Courses

LEVEL 2: 9-Courses

LEVEL 3: 9-Courses


Active Learning Workbook

Passport To Life Book

Select a pricing plan and sign up